Oxigen generator applications

Below a few applications of oxygen generators are listed, where our generators have been successfully serving several customers with reliable oxygen supply.

Melting applications

To get high temperature flame, often pure oxygen is used instead of air. This way, the nitrogen content of air - that is just a inert gas here - does not reduce the temperature of flame. Less fuel (most frequently natural gas) is used to heat the object to the required temperature. Oxygen is used to melt aluminium, steel, glass and other materials with high melting point.

Read more: Melting applications

Health care

Oxygen has been used for health care applications for long time. Recently, small oxygen generators (with other name, "oxygen concentrators") became available. These small oxygen generators are installed in the home of patients . Portable oxygen generators are available as well. On the other end, complete hospitals are supplied by one central oxygeen generator, especially in such geographical regions, where there is no reliable oxygen supply due to logistical reasons.

Read more: Health care

Intensive fish farming

One of the hardest tasks in intensive fish farming is to maintain the proper oxygen concentration in the water. Only a small amount of oxygen can be dissolved in water (at 15 oC, it is only 10 mg/dm3) and the dense fish population can consume it fast. Insufficient oxygen supply results in high fish mortality. Using pure oxygen, maintaining the proper oxygen supply is much easier, than with air.

Read more: Intensive fish farming

Oxygen, as chemical raw material

Oxygen produced by oxygen generators frequently used, as a raw material for chemical reactions, not only in simple burning processes. For example, pure oxygen is a much better raw material to produce ozone, than air. Ozone is a highly effective desinfectant, widely used in water supply system, in food industry and other applications.

Read more: Oxygen, as chemical raw material


Acetylene-oxygen flame is the conventional way of welding. Costs of welding can be significantly reduced using oxygen generators. Similarly, generated oxygen can be widely used in flame cutting applications.

Read more: Welding

AB Hungary Ltd - Manufacturer of Nitrogen and Oxygen Generators

ABH On-Site Gas Generators: the wisest way to supply nitrogen or oxygen gases

Contact us

  • Residence: 1149 Budapest
    Nagy Lajos király street 103
    Company seat: 1108 Budapest
    Venyige street 3
  • +(36-1)-470-5060