Oxigen generators

To supply oxygen gas separated from compressed air. Main features:

  • Compressed air pressure: min. 6 bar
  • Purity of produced oxygen: 90-95 %. The remaining gas is argon.
  • Pressure of produced oxygen: 4-5 bar.
  • Volume of oxygen produced:
    • with a single pair of adsorbers: from 0,5 m3/hour to 6 m3/hour
    • with more, than one adsorber pairs: up to 120 m3/hour. This case, adsorber pairs are connectedd paralelly to increase the capacity of the generator.

Performance of oxygen generators with single pair of adsorbers:

Model Produced oxygen
Compressed air consumption
O-0,5 0,47 98
O-1 1,03 215
O-2 2,1 440
O-4 4,02 865
O-6 6,1 1280

Automatic operation

Generators are controlled by Siemens microprocessor based controllers (PLC). Control circuitry operates with 24 V DC. Its power consumption is only 40 W.

Generators automatically stop and start, based on the pressure of oxygen buffer tank. If the generator was not in operation for a longer period of time, the generator performs a self-cleaning cycle at startup.

Maintenance means only periodical check of compressed air filters - or, if the pressure drop is too high on the filter, the filter cartridge shall be replaced. The pressure drop is shown by a differencial pressure indicator.

Modular design - possibility to further expansion

Oxygen generators are designed as modular systems. The electronic and pneumatic control of each generator (from O-2 and larger modules) can operate with more than a single pair of adsorbers. Thus, if the need for oxygen gas increases after the installation of a oxygen generator, the produced volume can be simply increased by adding new pair(s) of adsorbers at modest costs. The old and new adsorbers will operate paralelly after the expansion.

It shall be considered, that only that adsorber module can be used at expansion, that has been installed previously. For example, a O-4 generator can be expanded by adding an additonal O-4 pair of adsorber, reaching 8 m3/hour production volume.

AB Hungary Ltd - Manufacturer of Nitrogen and Oxygen Generators

ABH On-Site Gas Generators: the wisest way to supply nitrogen or oxygen gases

Contact us

  • Residence: 1149 Budapest
    Nagy Lajos király street 103
    Company seat: 1108 Budapest
    Venyige street 3
  • +(36-1)-470-5060